Sunday, 4 July 2010


You'll find the polls in the right hand column. Please take a little time to click the answers that apply. Send your friends along too. Let's get a good idea of the current feelings of members.


  1. I'm still a Guild member because I belong to a great branch - we have interesting talks and workshops and I can catch up with my friends.
    However, I have no allegiance to the Guild itself and feel I get little for my membership fee, if there was easier access to the collection or some interesting workshops then I may feel differently. The one wokshop I booked onto was cancelled.
    I was about to enter the Members Competition and then realised there wasn't even a prize! Surely it wouldn't cost much for them to offer a year's free membership or a subscription to Embroidery mag?
    I think HQ need to wake up to the fact that their membership is no longer made up of ladies of leisure who do a bit of needlework to fill their time. Most of us now work and our scarce free time is very prcious.

  2. Thanks, Paulene, that is just the sort of comment we need.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. Don't forget to vote in our polls